We are booked on the following dates
Here you can find the dates when our village is fully booked. Selected services are open on some dates – see here for details
Oleme 17.–18. veebruaril erandkorras suletud, aga kohtume taas 19. veebruarist. Aitäh mõistva suhtumise eest!
Roosta Holiday Village has 34 holiday homes in several sizes, all equipped with amenities. We also have a caravan park, camping area, and various additional facilities, you'll always have everything you need. Rent a sauna or barbecue, anything is possible!
Enrich your taste buds!
Roosta Resto is open every day and offers quality ingredients for every taste.
Never a dull moment in Roosta, summer or winter! Bowling, a trip to the beach, beach tennis, disc golf or an adventure park are just a few of the activities you can enjoy in Roosta!
Happenings in Roosta! Stay up to date with our events, special offers and latest news. You can also organise your own events and celebrations at Roosta - with colleagues and loved ones.
On 20th of July our Adventure park is open from 10 am to 2 pm.
All holiday village services are reserved during this period.
If you have any questions, please contact us at roosta@roosta.ee or +3725256699
Discover and relax – really.
From Roosta you’ll find kilometres of beautiful sandy beaches and deep pine forests worth exploring.
Enjoy a sauna session in the great outdoors, a knee-deep splash in the snow or an adventure park.
Activities and fun are here for the young and the old all year round.
Roosta Holiday Village is located 115 km from Tallinn or 39 km from Haapsalu.
Adventure park opening times 10-20
*Last person on trail upto 19.00
* loyalty cards get -40% discount from the first night.
* the special offer does not benefit from any additional incentives.
Here you can find the dates when our village is fully booked. Selected services are open on some dates – see here for details
In Roosta, you are organising an event to remember! We accommodate and cater up to 2000 people! You can use our seminar halls, the outdoor event pavilion or the entire 12 hectares for your events!